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International (Item)
  • statesmen like Truman and Marshall, De Gaulle, Monet and others. We reached out to rebuild our allies and our former enemies -- Germany, Italy and Japan, and to confront the threat of Soviet expansion and nuclear power. Together, we founded NATO, we launched
  • journalism Free-lance writer --stories in Journal of Defense and Diplomacy on Germany, Soviet coup, Libya, Algeria -Playboy Interview with presidential candidate, Governor Doug Wilder 1986-90 U.S. News & World Report --White House correspondent: politics
  • , France, Germany or wherever Sen. Ted Kennedy· and the Demo- · - governments, tbrougb regulations; and craiS are outraged at wbat was done to private citizens tend to favor domesllc their nominee for surgeon general, Dr. companies. The only difference
  • -~ .. ;A. REPORT MORNING NEWS SUMMARY Room 160 OEOB, Ext 7151 Thursday, April 22, 1994 BOSBIA -ABC World News Tonight and CBS Eyening News led with reports on the situation in Gorazde. The New York Times and USA Today led with reports on NATO's possible response
Japan [1] (Item)
Drugs (Item)
  • this hemisphere, every nation except one has chosen democracy, and the goal of an integrated, peaceful, and democratic Europe is now within our reach for the first time. In the Balkans, the international community's determination and NATO's resolve have made
  • by over 80 million people each year -- roughly the equivalent of adding one Mexico or Germany every 12 months -- or nearly one India every decade. The world is growing by one billion people every 12 years. · • Tropical forests are vanishing at a rate
  • there, I am saddened, I am sickened, and I know that our ability to do anything about it is somewhat limited. I'm convinced that anything we do would have to be done through the United Nations or through NATO, or through some other collective action
  • a trip to Emope to attend a Commerce-sponsored Trade Mission. As a result of the long-tenn services Allied received from Commerce, they subsequently began exporting their suction and respiratory medical equipment to Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom
  • . . . endless lines of refugees . . .. the threat of a spreading war -- these have given way to the hope of peace. Now our troops and a strong NATO together its new partners fion:t Cwha1: peace take hold. [Some reference to troops you visited.] 18 ~MOpe
  • of a coalition government. • Led the allied effort to promote peace negotiations in Bosnia and enhance the threat to Serbian aggression by negotiating NATO decisions to enforce the no-fly zone over Bosnia, to undertake air strikes if the siege of Sarajevo
  • liked. "Let the big guys go out for football,'~ I had told Alfred, my best friend, when we were in eighth grade. "I'll play soccer. Be a star, man." My father had played semipro for a Jewish team in Hamburg before escaping from Germany in 1938
  • Nazi concentration camp, won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1986. His writings dealing with his experiences have brought the horrors of Nazi Germany to the forefront of the American conscience. Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT
  • stuck somewhere between Germany and ~ri.La~a. · And for most Americans., ·.Mr. President, life'.s a ·lot less kind and . a lot less ·gentle .. than it ·.was. before your. Acbainistra,tiOn t,ook · · · · ( our country has ·fa~len. so far, so
Defense (Item)
  • expanding NATO membership to include Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but a timetable was eliminated from the bill in committee.·. The .issue of antimissile defense provides the c::learest example of use of the bill by both sides to·gain
  • sure nuclear weapons do not end up in.the hands of terrorists or international criminals. o 0 Bringing the Nations· of Europe Closer·-- President Clinton is building an era of peace and prosperity in Europe -- modernizing NATO, 'working with Russia
  • to stop flow of refugees to US. •. Led effort in Bosnia (with NATO allies and our Russian partners) to conclude comprehensive peace agreeme~t at Dayton and to secure peace through participation in IFOR and support for economic reconstruction
  • to democracy, to free markets, and to respect for existing borders. With our allies we have created a Partner. ship For Peace that invites states from the former Soviet bloc and other non-NATO members to work with NATO in military cooperation. When I met
  • and to create the alliance known today as NATO. These two programs, which we take for granted now as a done deal in history, were by no means obvious inventions at that time. But they did help Europe get back on its feet after a truly devastating war
  • build Europe integrated in democracy, free markets and peace. That was the goal of my trip. I believe we made great strides. First, we began to draw Europe together in peaceful military cooperation. At a summit with our NATO Allies, we created
Challenges (Item)
  • fought so hard to win -- modernizing NATO, working with Russia, and reforming the former Soviet economies. We. are fighting terrorism to make Americans safer-- waging a tough counterterrorism campaign with stronger laws and more training for law
  • head on. As a Demoa;.t. rm proud of tlie legacy that is ow's: competitors'invest twice as muCh of their gross national. the brilliance of the New Deal, NATO, the Marshall Plan product on new plants and equipment- or if the aver-_ age Japanese high
  • on the arms embargo. T~at is the best way to keep the NATO position unified, to keep the world position unified, and to avoid overly Americanizing the dealings in Bosnia should the U.N. mission collapse. · I'm quite concerned about that. MORE The Europeans
  • have a lot of unfinished jobs in foreign affairs, too. Bosnia is one, completing NATO's expansion and resolving NATO's relationship with Russia is another. We have some new challenges we're going to take on. We're going to do some genuinely new things
Businesses (Item)
College [1] (Item)
  • there. We did not have people who could be easily outnumbered and killed quickly. So I have to say a strong word of appreciation to our allies in NATO for the work they have done, as well as a strong word of appreciation to General Rose and to, generally
  • Russia. (Applause.) And we will bring some of Central Europe's new democracies into NATO, so that they will never question their own freedom in the future. (Applause.) Our American exports are at record levels. In the next four years, we have to break
Iowa Trip [2] (Item)
  • , the threat of a spreading war. All these threats, all these horrors have now begun to give way to the promise of peace. Now, our troops and a strong NATO, together with our new partners from Central Europe and elsewhere, are helping that peace to take hold